Manta survey of 613 SMBs found that 73% didn’t think their Google AdWords campaigns brought any new business leads. What if you could charge your small-business clients ONLY on sales rather than Clicks and Impressions? Partner with RelyCircle and get your...
59% of customers choose an auto dealership based on reputation.Reputation is built when your satisfied customers help spread the word. Word of mouth referrals are among the most important ways that Auto dealers gain reputation and new customers. And with...
Selling is the best job in the world. No other job gives us the opportunity to truly connect with people and to plug into the pulse of businesses. Picture a sales world where you only meet with customers who want...
Connecting with customers is critical to business growth. A new app RelyCircle specifically built for small-business can help you connect with your customers and increase referral sales. About RelyCircle? RelyCircle ( is the first social media community specifically designed to drive...



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