As a marketer, your job is to present your clients with unique opportunities to expand their brand recognition and increase their market share through digital marketing. Consistently coming up with new and innovative ways to help your clients can...
Word-of-mouth advertising is important for every business, as each happy customer can steer dozens of new ones your way. According to Forbes survey 92% of Consumers trust recommendations from friends and family over other forms of advertising. What are...
National Expansion Creates Opportunities to Partner in Your Area. Based out of Secaucus, NJ, RelyCircle, Inc. offers a partnership opportunity for individuals and advertising agencies to become our “brand ambassador”. With our partner program, qualified individuals can start building a...
In order to grow your customer base as a General Contractor, you rely nearly entirely on referrals from previous clients and/or paid leads. Once a job is complete, it may be a while before another can be lined up,...
As a small business owner, you don’t have the same marketing budget as some of your larger competitors. So you have to make sure that every penny you spend counts. A great solution is through RelyCircle. With Zero upfront...
As small-business owners we try multiple avenues to reach out to potential customers to increase sales. Social Media Marketing and having a Facebook page was a no-brainer to gain organic reach; until social media sites killed organic reach and...
Shift advertising dollars directly to customers and generate more purchases, repeat customer visits, and positive brand propagation. RelyCircle - Social Selling App specifically built for small-business owners can help. RelyCircle {} is the world's first rewards based Social referral marketing network...
It's a fact: People would rather do business with people they know--or know of--than with strangers. When you're introduced to a prospect through a personal recommendation, that prospect has a vastly higher comfort level than, say, a buyer you...
Did you know that a Manta survey of 613 SMBs found that 73% didn’t think their Google AdWords campaigns brought any new business leads and according to one of Niel Patel's blog post 62% of Small Businesses Fail with Facebook...
Choosing a childcare provider is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. There are so many factors that go into the choice from location to availability to values matching. However, no factor in this decision is...



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